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Ancla 1

""Beliefs About Sexual Orientation and the Adoption of Inclusive Language" (joint with Marco Torres). Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy. forthcoming. link to paper

Worth a Shot? The Political Economy of Government Responsiveness in Times of Crisis" (joint with Jaakko Meriläinen and Máximo Ponce de León). World Development. 184: 106762. 2024. link to paper

"LGBT+ Persons and Homophobia Prevalence Across Job Sectors: Survey Evidence From Mexico" (joint with Adrian Rubli). Labour Economics. 87: 102500. 2024. link to paper

"Thermal Stress and Financial Distress: Extreme Temperatures and Firms' Loan Defaults in Mexico" (with Sandra Aguilar-Gómez, David Heres, David Jaume and Martin Tobal). Journal of Development Economics, 168: 103246. 2024.

link to paper 

"Do Credit Supply Shocks Affect Employment in Middle-Income Countries?" (joint with David Jaume and Martín Tobal). American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 15(4):1-36. 2023. link to paper

"Electoral Repercussions of a Pandemic: Evidence from the 2009 H1N1 Outbreak" (joint with Jaakko Meriläinen and Adrian Rubli). Journal of Politics, 84(4), 1899-1912. 2022.   link to paper

"Information and Behavioral Responses during a Pandemic: Evidence from Delays in Covid-19 Death Reports" (joint with Adrian Rubli and Tiago Tavares). Journal of Development Economics, 154. 2022. link to paper                        

"Local Water Quality, Diarrheal Disease, and the Unintended Consequences of Soda Taxes" (joint with Adrian Rubli). 
 The World Bank Economic Review, 36(1) 1-18. 2022. link to paper

"The Effectiveness of Sin Food Taxes: Evidence from Mexico" (joint with Arturo Aguilar and Enrique Seira). Journal of Health Economics, 77. 2021.  link to paper

"Shocks to Hospital Occupancy and Mortality: Evidence from the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic" (joint with Adrian Rubli). Management Science, 67 (9) 5943-5952. 2021. link to paper

"Benefits and Unintended Consequences of Gender Segregation in Public Transportation: Evidence from Mexico City’s Subway System" (joint with Arturo Aguilar and Paula Soto). Economic Development and Cultural Change. 69.4 (2021). link to paper
"Coattails and the Forces that Drive Them: Evidence from Mexico" (joint with Andrei Gomberg, Paulina López and Alejandra Vázquez). European Journal of Political Economy 58(2019): 64-81. link to paper

"Abatement Expenditures, Technology Choice, and Environmental Performance: Evidence from Firm Responses to Import Competition in Mexico" (joint with Kensuke Teshima), Journal of Development Economics 133 (2018): 264-274.  link to paper
"Does Household Financial Access Facilitate Law Compliance?" (joint with Kensuke Teshima). Economics Letters, 149: 120-124. 2016. link to paper
"Air Quality and Infant Mortality in Mexico: Evidence from Variation in Pollution Concentrations Caused by the Usage of Small-Scale Power Plants". Journal of Population Economics 28(4): 1181-1207. 2015. link to paper

"Times Goes by so slowly (for those who wait): a Field Experiment in Health Care" (joint with Sofia Garrido). Latin American Economic Review 28(2019): 1 link to paper
"The Effect of a Transfer Program for the Elderly in Mexico City on Co-Residing Children's School Enrollment" (joint with Laura Juarez and Adrian Rubli). The World Bank Economic Review 31.3(2016):809-828. link to paper

"Using Satellite Imagery to Measure the Relationship Between Air Quality and Infant Mortality: an Empirical Study for Mexico". Population and Environment 31(4):203-222. 2009. link to paper

"The Relationship Between Civil Unions and Fertility in France: Preliminary Evidence" (joint with Pablo Suarez-Becerra). Review of Economics of the Household 10(1):115-132. link to paper

"Closing the Achievement Gap in Mathematics: Evidence from a Remedial Program in Mexico City" (joint with Rodimirio Rodrigo). Latin American Economic Review 23(1):1-30. link to paper
Ancla 3

"Voluntary Compliance, Pollution Levels, and Infant Mortality in Mexico" (joint with Andrew Foster and Naresh Kumar). The American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 2009: 191-197. link to paper

"The Informational Role of Voluntary Certification: Evidence from the Mexican Clean Industry Program" (joint with Andrew Foster). The American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 103(3): 303-308. 2013. link to paper

"Incentivos e Instrumentos de Política para el Control del Calentamiento Global en México" In Sazcha Marcelo Olivera Villaroel & Alejandro de la Fuente (Eds) "Impactos socioeconómicos del cambio climático en México". Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2018. link to book 

"Negative Advertising during Mexico's 2012 Presidential Campaign" (joint with Andrei Gomberg and Zeev Thepris).  In Maria Gallego and Normal Schofield (Eds) "The Political Economy of Social Choices". Springer. link to book

"Riesgo Sísmico y Precios de la Vivienda" (joint with María Esther Rodríguez and Kensuke Teshima). Vivienda Infonavit. 2018(1):172-175.

"¿Debe centralizarse el combate al crimen?" (joint with Ruben Durante). In Vidal Romero and Jorge E. Tello Peón (Eds) "Seguridad, Inteligencia y Gobernanza en México: Propuestas a Problemas". Tirant. 2022. link to book

"Delays in Death Reports and their Implications for Tracking the Evolution of Covid-19" (joint with Adrian Rubli and Tiago Tavares). Covid Economics 1(34): 116-144. link to pdf

"Promotions measured with error: Implications for health policy and firm behavior" (with Adrián Rubli and José Tudon)
link to pdf

"Challenges for Measuring the LGBT+ Population and Homophobia in Mexico" (with Adrián Rubli).
link to IDB working paper

"Eye-opening Products: Uncertainty and Surprise in Cataract Surgery Outcomes" (with Adrián Rubli and José Tudón).
link to pdf

"Diagnosing Quality: Learning, Amenities, and the Demand for Health Care" (joint with Achyuta Adhavaryu, Anant Nyshadham and Jorge Tamayo) link to pdf

"Taking One for the Team: Shocks at Destination and Households' Supply of Migrants" (joint with Gustavo Fajardo and Horacio Larreguy). Winner of the 2014 Banamex Prize in Economics. link to pdf

"Political Advertising and Voting Intentions: Evidence from Exogenous Variation in Ads Viewership" (joint Ruben Durante). link to pdf

"Political Alignment and Inter-Jurisdictional Cooperation: Evidence from Crime in Mexico" (joint with Emilio Depetris and Ruben Durante). link to pdf

"Direct and Indirect Effects of Voluntary Certification: Evidence from the Mexican Clean Industry Program" (joint with Andrew Foster). link to pdf

Ancla 2

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